How Can I Troubleshoot Network or Firewall Issues Blocking My Care Session?

If you're facing a firewall issue while trying to connect to your care session, here’s what you can do:

1. Switch Networks or Devices

  • Try using a different network, such as a personal hotspot or home Wi-Fi.
  • Alternatively, switch to another device. These simple changes often solve connectivity issues quickly.

2. Reschedule If Necessary

  • If changing networks or devices isn’t an option, reschedule your session.
  • Notify your support team about the issue so they can help troubleshoot and ensure your care isn’t interrupted.

3. Contact Your Provider

  • Inform your provider about the problem.
  • If needed, discuss using a phone call as a temporary workaround for your session.

We’re working closely with your employer to ensure you can access care sessions seamlessly on any device or network. Thank you for your understanding as we continue improving your experience.

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