How to Prepare Before Joining a Therapy Session?

Before joining your virtual care session, you can use the preview room to check your appearance and ensure your audio and video are working properly. Here's how:

  1. Select the appointment you want to join from the Member Portal.
  2. In the preview room, you'll see options to test your microphone, speaker, and camera at the bottom of your preview tile.

To test or change your devices:

  • Microphone: Click the microphone icon and speak. If the mic bar moves, it’s working. You can also select a different microphone using the dropdown arrow.
  • Speaker: Click the speaker icon. If you hear a test sound, your speaker is functioning properly. You can switch speakers via the dropdown arrow.
  • Camera: Click the camera icon. If your video appears in the preview tile, your camera is set up correctly. You can select a different camera if needed.

Once everything is set, click Start Session to join your

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