How do I obtain a Spring Health AoR if I don’t have access to email?

Q: How can I obtain a Spring Health AoR if I don’t have access to email?


A: We understand the importance of ensuring smooth processes even without email access. To complete an Authorization of Representative (AoR) without email, please consider the following guidance:

An AoR is crucial whenever a third party needs to coordinate care on your behalf. There are two key categories for designating an individual to act as your representative and manage your Spring Health account:

  • Third Party Representative: Typically a trusted family member, spouse, parent, or close companion who can facilitate your Spring Health services.
  • Legal Guardian or Appointed Legal Representative: Authorized individuals with legal documentation – like court orders, custody papers, or other valid proofs – to act on your behalf and facilitate your Spring Health services.

If the AoR isn't what you require, you can also consider adding an individual to your Spring Health Release of Information (ROI) for information sharing purposes only. Otherwise, to begin the process of adding an Appointed Representative, you can download a blank AoR form by clicking here 


When completing the form, keep in mind the following instructions:

  • Provide details for questions 1-3 accordingly.
  • In Section 1, select the appropriate checkbox reflecting your request.
  • Complete either Section 2 or Section 3 as per your needs. Note that Section 3 must be completed by the Legal Guardian or Appointed Legal Representative if chosen.



  • Wet signatures are acceptable.
  • E-signatures are only accepted if they meet e-Sign Act Requirements, meaning they are accompanied by a date and time stamp, geolocation, and IP address.
  • After filling out the form, please visit our support center here to submit the signed document.
  • Indicate "N/A" for email.
  • Choose "Paperwork Requests" then "Other".
  • Under 'Description', confirm your first and last name, date of birth, and the phone number associated with your Spring Health account.
  • Upload the completed form under 'Attachments'.


Please be aware that processing your AoR may take 5-7 business days. Your privacy and security are paramount to us, and we are here to assist you throughout the process.

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