Can I save card information or set up autopay?

Q: Can I save card information or set up autopay?

A: Absolutely! We understand the convenience of saving card information for future payments, and we're excited to offer this feature.

Saving Card Information and Enrolling in Auto Payments

To save your card information and/or enroll in auto payments, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit Your Spring Health Profile:

    • You can access this via the app or desktop.
  2. Go to Your Account Page:

    • Select "Billing and Payments."
  3. Update Your Wallet:

    • Click on "Wallet."
    • Click on "Update" or "Add Payment Method."
  4. Toggle Auto Pay On:

    • Add your card information.
    • Turn on the auto pay option if desired.

More Details About Auto Pay:

  • If you have an outstanding balance, you won’t be able to enroll in auto pay until it’s cleared.
  • Your card will be automatically charged for the remaining balance of an invoice 14 days after it’s issued.
  • You will receive a notification before any charges are made.
  • You can opt out of auto pay at any time by following the steps above and turning off the auto pay option.

Need Assistance?

If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact our billing team at (855) 701-1720 or visit We’re here to make your experience as convenient as possible.

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